If you have old records in the IMDI format you can use the following profiles:
- for sessions: CLARIN Component Registry
- for sign language sessions: CLARIN Component Registry
- for corpus nodes: CLARIN Component Registry
From the profile you can generate the XSD:
- for sessions: https://catalog.clarin.eu/ds/ComponentRegistry/rest/registry/1.x/profiles/clarin.eu:cr1:p_1407745712035/xsd
- for sign language sessions: https://catalog.clarin.eu/ds/ComponentRegistry/rest/registry/1.x/profiles/clarin.eu:cr1:p_1417617523856/xsd
- for corpus nodes: https://catalog.clarin.eu/ds/ComponentRegistry/rest/registry/1.x/profiles/clarin.eu:cr1:p_1407745712064/xsd
And then you can transform your IMDI files into CMDI files that comply with the profile with the following set of XSLTs: imdi2cmdi
Another way of converting your IMDI records to CMDI is by means of the ISLE2CLARIN tool.