Looking for a repository

I would be grateful is someone can help with the following request:

A post-doctoral researcher from the University of Geneva contacted me to ask for advice: she is looking for a repository to deposit her data consisting in a parallel dataset of sentences in different Arabic varieties, with phonological transcriptions, glosses, translation in English and a unique identifier, in a repository.

Where shall I point her to? I checked our depositing guidelines page and found several repos accepting any type of linguistic data and tools and in any language (if I am not mistaken): ACDH, LINDAT, ORTOLANG, the Language Archive, CLARIN.SI. Thank you for your help.

I would also consider to contact the CLARIN-CH colleagues, eg Language Repository of Switzerland | LaRS – Language Repository of Switzerland | UZH seems like a reasonable option too.

Thank you, Dieter. The researcher deposited her data in SwissBase.

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