What is the update schedule for the metadata in the VLO?

The metadata harvester runs with different configurations at different starting times:

  • Monday and Thursday 20:00 CE(S)T: harvesting of CLARIN providers
  • Friday 20:00 CE(S)T: harvesting of non-CLARIN providers

The VLO importer for the production VLO runs after every completed harvest (importing all current metadata, both CLARIN and non-CLARIN).

Combined, harvester/import runs typically take about 12 to 20 hours to complete, depending primarily on the response rate of the metadata providers.

Because of this schedule, it can take a couple of days before provided metadata becomes available in the VLO. If it takes longer than that, please send a message to vlw@clarin.eu.

Be aware that the harvester and VLO schedule may be subject to change in the future!