Where Do I Find the SAML Metadata of the Identity Federations?

Please note: if you are administering a Service Provider, we recommend to use only 2 metadata sources:

Alternatively, if you also want to include all eduGAIN IdPs, please use the following 2 sources:

If you do so, you can safely ignore all of the information below.

SURFconext Particulars

The following is relevant to Dutch IdPs only (SURFconext).

  • To verify whether an SPF production SP is registered with SURFconext, access a URL of the form:
  • https://engine.surfconext.nl/authentication/proxy/idps-metadata?sp-entity-id=https://ufal-point.mff.cuni.cz/shibboleth/eduid/sp
    Note that the sp-entity-id parameter’s value (in bold) has be set to the entity ID of your SPF production SP!
  • Because SURFconext is a hub-and-spoke federation only a subset of all Dutch Identity Providers has access to the SPF production SPs.
  • To view this subset, one can simply look over the Dutch IdPs in the CLARIN Discovery Service.
  • Alternatively, users that have an IdP within SURFconext can check these access rules here (requires login).
  • We have observed that SURFconext is releasing SAML2 attributes in both the urn:mace and the urn:oid namespaces. If you are mapping these attributes into the same server variable, you have to pay special attention to processing the multi value-server variable.