These upcoming train-the-trainer sessions, which we’re organising in close collaboration with CLARIN-IT and the Skills4EOSC project, might be interesting for the CLARIN centres interested in hosting their training materials on GitHub. For more info and registration, please visit the event page.
- Session 1: 20 September 2024, 14:00 - 18:00 CEST. Registration Link: Microsoft Forms
- Session 2: 26 September 2024, 14:00 - 17:00 CEST. Registration Link: Microsoft Forms
Description and Aims
When developing learning materials, it is essential to ensure they are FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable ) from both the learners’ and trainers’ perspectives. Therefore, integrating FAIR principles into developing learning materials is a crucial element. This training introduces the FAIR-by-Design Methodology, which provides a systematic approach that embeds the FAIR principles into the backward instructional design process.
During the two train-the-trainers sessions, the participants will:
- Gain an in-depth understanding of the FAIR-by-Design workflow, where each stage highlights different aspects of the design process for learning materials.
- Learn practical techniques for implementing the methodology to produce high-quality FAIR learning materials.
- Engage in discussions to explore how these principles can be applied in specific real-world scenarios.
These events are organised by CLARIN , CLARIN-IT and H2IOSC in conjunction with the Skills4EOSC project.
Target Audience
- Members of the CLARIN network interested or involved in training materials design and development, e.g. instuctional designers, training workflows and infrastructure managers
- CLARIN-IT members involved in training activities in the H2IOSC project
- Anyone interested in the topic is welcome to join the session and learn.