ATRIUM Researchers' Survey - Participants Needed

Dear colleagues,

Thank you very much to those who distributed the ATRIUM survey in their national consortia. A gentle request to colleagues from Belgium, Finland, Italy, Spain, Slovenia and the Netherlands to send a reminder to their university networks so that we get more answers from these countries. Unfortunately, we have received very few answers from the SSH researchers in these countries.

Thank you very much for your help.

Warm regards,


The ATRIUM project needs your help!

The goal of ATRIUM (Advancing fronTier Research In the arts and hUManities) is to bridge leading research infrastructures in arts and humanities (DARIAH ), archaeology (ARIADNE ), languages (CLARIN ), and open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities (OPERAS ).

The Arts and Humanities is a very diverse field, covering a range of disciplines and communities of practice that have different epistemological and methodological foundations: an archaeologist and an art historian studying a Mycenaean fresco will have distinct goals and approaches to describing their objects of research. A literary scholar and a linguist will come to a textual corpus with radically different senses of what a corpus is and what questions can be asked of it. Yet research infrastructures in the Arts and Humanities domain must cater to a very wide range of stakeholders and offer services that cut across discipline-specific boundaries.

We are currently conducting a survey to assess whether researchers in the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences have the skills required for the active use of research services and tools - namely the ones available in the ATRIUM Catalogue.

Please participate in this survey and share your training needs. We will use this valuable feedback to build the ATRIUM Curriculum and the ATRIUM Catalogue based on the community feedback that we receive.

Please take our short survey here:

Kindly help distribute the survey across your networks!

Iulianna van der Lek

CLARIN ERIC Training and Education Officer