How can I publish my metadata to the Virtual Language Observatory (VLO)?

If you have many metadata records or records that frequently change:

  • Use OAI-PMH
  • Provide them preferrably as CMDI (click here for details about how to serve CMDI over OAI-PMH)
  • If that is not possible provide them as OLAC
  • Depending on the situation your endpoint has to be added to the centre registry (in case of a registered CLARIN centre), or added manually to our harvester

If you have only a few static records and setting up an OAI-PMH access point is not feasible:

  • Submit your records to the Language Resource Inventory (for data, corpora, lexica, web services, software, …)
  • All the records in the LRT inventory will be automatically converted into CMDI records. Note that this process can take a while.

Data provided over OAI-PMH or via the LRT inventory will be made available and searchable via the Virtual Language Observatory.